Analyzing Factors Effecting the Adoption of rapeseed Cultivation by farmers of Javanrood County

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agriculture,, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan



This research is a descriptive-analytical type of survey that inves tigated the factors influencing the adoption of rapeseed cultivation in Javanroud County, Kermanshah province. The s tatis tical population of this research included 194 rapeseed farmers of the city, of which 125 were selected as a sample using Cochran's formula by proportional assignment method and simple random sampling. In order to collect the desired data and information, in addition to in-depth documentary s tudies of the relevant literature, the main tool for collecting field data was a researcher-made ques tionnaire. which included two parts of individual characteris tics and the main part with regard to the purpose of the research, which was collected in 2022. The form validity of the research tool was done by subject experts in the university and its reliability calculation was also confirmed with the ordinal theta coefficient (θ = 0.83-0.91). The collected data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, correlation and ordinal regression and s tructural equation modeling in SPSS26 and Smart PLS4 software. The results of the factor analysis showed that the effective variables in the adoption of rapeseed cultivation can be summarized in 5 economic, educational-extension, agro-ecological-environmental, innovative and managerialorganizational factors respectively. These factors explained a total of 56% of the variance of variables affecting the acceptance of rapeseed cultivation The results of ordinal regression showed that agricultural-environmental and educational-extension factors had the greates t contribution in explaining the changes in the level of the dependent variable. Correlation coefficients showed a positive and significant relationship between the variables of the number of participants in educational-promotional classes and cultivation background with the dependent variable of the decision to accept rapeseed cultivation. The s tructural model showed that among the educationalextension factors, extension training class factors, educational-extension visits, local ins titutions and social networks, channels and mass media, and the skills of experts respectively, have had the greates t impact on the acceptance of rapeseed cultivation


Main Subjects

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